This post will show you how to use PHP and MySQL for OTP (One-Time Password) verification after...
Add multiple pin on Google Maps (marker) is a powerful feature if you’re building a location-based application....
Dynamic Javascript graph chart play an important role in modern web development to display any budget and...
In the world of virtual interactions, QR codes have end up vital for corporations and people. Whether...
Managing multiple inputs for data such as student records, teacher names, subjects and associated fees can be...
Creating a dynamic lightbox gallery in php is a great way to interactively display images on your website....
Pagination is an essential feature for displaying large datasets into manageable chunks. When working with web applications,...
Creating dynamic input forms using JavaScript is an important part of modern web applications. They allow users...
SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is a widely used protocol for sending email over the Internet. PHP...
Downloading data from the database in a user-friendly format is important to manage the information efficiently. This...